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Photorejuvenation is an anti-aging skin improvement procedure which produces smoother, cleaner, tighter and younger looking skin on the face, neck, chest or hands.

The Palomar Pulsed Light System is used to gently deliver precise amounts of energy through the skin's surface. The heat and light naturally remove pigmented and vascular areas and stimulate collagen production. Photorejuvenation eliminates bacteria in the skin thus helping to prevent and treat blemishes. A significant reduction in unwanted pigmentation and an improvement in skin tone will be noticed after a series of treatments and will continue as treatments progress.

Photorejuvenation effectively treats:

  • Broken capillaries
  • Sun and smoke damage
  • Facial veins
  • Acne and mild acne scars
  • Enlarged pores
  • Dull complexions
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Pigmented freckles and age spots
  • Red flushing skin
  • Rosacea
  • Fine lines and wrinkles