Waist Management

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waist management

Many of us worry about our weight. There are many reasons why we gain weight and not all of them have to do with overeating or making bad food choices.

Proper weight (and definitely waist!) management can be beneficial to long term health. Quick fix, and fad diets that promise rapid weight loss, lead to long-term weight gain.

At the Midtown Health and Wellness Clinic, Dr Hermant and her colleagues will assess the issues which may have led to your weight gain and identify and address any underlying pathology that might interfere with weight loss, such as hormonal problems or cardiovascular disease.

We work with each patient and collaborate with the clinic's registered dietician, naturopath and psychotherapist to assist patients to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Through nutritional counselling, suggested exercise programs and regular monitoring of each patient's progress, you will be educated and assisted to manage your weight in a healthy, positive and supportive fashion by the team at Midtown Health and Wellness Clinic.